Editing Session : Psychedelic Grapes

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Greetings friends! It's been a couple months since I posted an editing video, so here's a fresh one for all my fellow Photoshop lovers. 🤓

Recently I was having a "shoot for fun" day and I decided to photograph some concord grapes that I had in my kitchen. I didn't have a plan for how I wanted to edit the images; instead I was just shooting and experimenting with lighting and angles. Afterwards I decided to pop one of the stills in Photoshop to play around with it, and to make a long story short, this is what happened :

Aren't they gorgeous? 🍇🍇🍇😍😍😍 Yes- I may be biased, but I am OBSESSED with how these turned out!

I ended up cleaning up the background using the Patch Tool and Spot Healing Brush. Then after some minimal edits to clean up the grapes themselves, I created a new Hue/Saturation Layer and began sliding around with the Hue and Saturation. I exported various stills in different colors like the images above, but I decided to keep going and see what kind of colorful animation I could make of them.

Here's an example of the before and after so you can see the original image versus the final edit: ✨

✨ Before & After ✨

Here's everything I used to create & capture the images (other than the grapes):

And now for the main event... the video itself! Watch and follow along as I go through the editing process in Adobe Photoshop. I'll show you how I transformed a single image into a colorful rainbow animation. 👇👇👇

As always, thanks for watching! If you have any questions about this edit or would just like to say hi, leave me a comment below.


- Clare


Editing Session : Image Compositing and Masking in Photoshop


Stop Motion Animation : behind the scenes with 73 blueberries