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Hi, I’m Clare
Here we discuss topics like photography, freelancing, entrepreneurship, travel, creativity, books, self care, and everything else I’m inspired to share.

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How to Tether Sony A7iii to Lightroom
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Stop Motion Video Reel - Clare JoAnna Photography 2024

How to Make Money from Stock Photography
Stock photography is a business that involves selling photographs to businesses and individuals who need them for a variety of purposes. Photographers can make money by uploading their photos to stock websites, which then sell the photos to clients.

Gear to Make Life Easier On Those On Location Shoots
Do you have all the gear you need to pack up your photography kit and go?
This blog post is all about the best photography gear to help make life easier on those on location shoot days.

Backgrounds For Product Photography
I’ve compiled a list of my favorite product photography backgrounds along with the pros and cons to all of them. Hopefully this blog will help you figure out which backgrounds will be the right fit for you.

Sirui HA-77 Horizontal Arm
One of my most used and cherished pieces of photography gear: the Sirui Horizontal Arm. If you happen to shoot product photography or stop motions, this horizontal arm could be your new best friend.

How it was Made : Coconut Secret Stop Motion
In this blog I'll be breaking down my creative photography process into four separate steps: Idea Conception & Design, Pre-production, Production, and Post-Production.

Editing Session : Image Compositing and Masking in Photoshop
In this Editing Session video I'll be breaking down the steps of how I edit stop motions using Adobe Lightroom Classic and Adobe Photoshop. I'll demonstrate skills like: how to composite images together, how to clean up images using the patch and spot healing brush tools, and how to use lots (and lots) of layer masks to create a seamlessly clean finished product.

Stop Motion Animation : behind the scenes with 73 blueberries
73 blueberries, 73 photos. Take a peak behind the scenes of how this blueberry stop motion animation was created.

Welcome To My Channel : Let's Connect On YouTube!
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Editing Session : Quick Stop Motion Edit in Photoshop
Follow along as I go through the steps of editing my final photos into an animated stop motion. I'll be using Adobe Lightroom Classic to quickly batch edit my images before opening them as layers in Photoshop.

How to Tether Sony a7III to Lightroom
If you haven't already tried shooting tethered, it’s a great tool to take advantage of and it’s useful for all kinds of photography.

How to Make a Stop Motion GIF in Photoshop
Let's talk about stop motions and go over the basic steps for how to create a stop motion GIF using Photoshop.

Welcome to Clare JoAnna Photography
Hi There! Welcome to Clare JoAnna Photography's First Blog Post!